Day 3

Skyros 2023 · 10. October 2023

New day – new energy. At 8 a.m. we started again in different groups. A small group processed the quinces they had picked into legendary Skyros jams and helped K* to get the garden in shape. The largest group took on painting the facade of a house.

Statement from Daniel:
“I thought it was very impressive how the house looked at the beginning and at the end. Although there were complications, we did a good job.” Communicating with the local painter was a bit challenging.

Various small groups were out today with Silvia, the island’s social worker, to buy and distribute food parcels. Some of them did this with the families themselves. Afterwards, some made house visits to old acquaintances on Skyros.

Statement from Philipp:
“This morning I first went shopping for families and distributed them. Afterwards I went to Mrs. P*. There I was allowed to do different jobs. One task was to replace an insect screen. This took a lot of time because there were communication problems. But after two hours we were all happy that it was finished. The final product is something to be proud of. (professional;)”

In the evening there was singing and dancing on the Platia. The music school rehearsed some songs and the Swiss*s encouraged folk dances. The finale was the joint Greek dancing of the two cultures. The dance club led us all.

Statement from Michael:
“Tonight the music festival was on the programme. There was singing and dancing together. Culinary wise, there was a mix of Greek hors d’oeuvres and Swiss sweets, especially chocolate. The atmosphere between each other was very warm. We were able to strengthen already existing encounters and make new ones.”

And now it’s time for another meeting and then good night again.

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