Day 3

Day 3

Athens 2017 · 16. October 2017

Today was a very exciting day. At 12:00 we headed to the private school in Athens. We met there at 1:00 pm with Maria Moschou from Greece Aid Austria. She is a German teacher at the school and gave us the opportunity to present our project to her class. First we introduced ourselves, then we could have a discussion with you about our different cultures. We also showed you a short film about the last two days. The film simply included pictures of us helping out in the alley kitchen. At the end we asked the students the question “If you could change 3 things in your country, what would they be?”. Then they wrote them on a piece of paper and gave them to us. It was very revealing to listen to the other side. In total, we presented to two classes. The students themselves found our project very exciting and think it’s a great idea, so we were able to give them several ideas.


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