Day 6 and journey home

Skyros 2022 · 14. and 15. October 2022

Our working week is coming to an end. The theme of today is “everything has to be finished”. So the last clothes purchases were delivered to the families, a small group visited the hospital, the inventory had to be counted on site in preparation for 2023 and of course everything had to be tidied up as we had found it. During the week we had also ordered about 100kg of specialities from Skyros from various shops, which we will sell again in Switzerland. These still had to be collected and then distributed among all the members of the Swiss for Greece team. So the suitcases were already packed before we left for our closing party.

It has become a tradition that on the last evening we invite all the people with whom we have worked closely during the week. The group is a motley crew. It ranges from the municipal employees to the needy people, from the organising committee to other volunteers who have worked for us here and there. About 20 people accepted our invitation. With a presentation we showed them what we had achieved throughout the week. It is always impressive how much we can achieve as a team in only five working days.

Highlight Victoria

On the one hand, my highlight was walking through the town for the last time and going to some shops again. On the other hand, I really enjoyed the dinner. It was great to review the week’s assignments together and to bring all the different people to the same table.

Highlight Simon

My highlight at dinner was meeting all the people we worked with during the week and looking back on a great week together.

Early on Saturday morning it was “Adio Skyros”. Until the last minute we didn’t know whether Skyros might want to keep us. Because of the strong wind and the waves, it was uncertain whether the ferry would go to the mainland. The journey towards Switzerland then began, rocking quite a bit. The 2022 mission on Skyros is slowly coming to an end. But the memories will remain.

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