The JUSESO (Youth Pastoral Care) is part of the Youth Office (JU) of the Catholic Church of Thurgau. The main focus of JUSESO TG is to plan and implement various projects with and for youth and young adults aged 15 to 29. These are carried out cantonally, but mostly in the local parishes. In these projects, JUSESO works participatively and promotes the personal development of young people. The offers should also enable the participants to engage in contemporary forms of faith discussion. In the “Swiss for Greece” project, participants can experience the power of a diaconal church.

Another area of work is advising and accompanying youth workers in the parishes and pastoral areas of the canton. A comprehensive collection of tools (Spielofant) and counselling services are available for this purpose. Young people are encouraged and trained in leadership functions, including in connection with Confirmation 17+. Further information can be found at

Director of Operations
